When it comes to makeup my biggest passion is eye shadows. I really can't get enough of them and I am always drown to buy more. To my trip to Milan I decided to try something from their affordable brand Wycon cosmetics. Their shop was crowded and in the main walk area beside Duomo piaca.
This brand is like Kiko Milan cosmetic but I think more affordable and younger one. I tried one of their products - eye pencils but in today's post I'll show you their eye shadows that are in form of pan and can be placed in one of three empty palettes that Wycon has.
Kada je šminka u pitanju slobodno mogu reći da su senke za oči proizvod koji najviše volim.
Uvek me nove kolekcije i novi brendovi privlače da kupujem palete i pojedinačne senke i nikako da ih se zasitim.
Tokom boravka u Milanu želela sam svašta da kupim, ali većina stvari je dostupna u Srbiji ili online pa sam rešila da kupim nešto što je na odličnom sniženju iako ga je moguće nabaviti u Beogradu. U pitanju su pojedinačne senke brenda Wycon cosmetics koje su bila na odličnom sniženju od 3,9€, a uz njih je išla i prazna paleta za 2,5€. Danas vam prenosim moje utiske o njima nakon nekoliko nedelja korišćenja.

I bought 6 sades and their empty palette. Everything was on sale when I bought it - eye shadows were 3,9 euro and palette when you fill it was just 2,5 euro. Full palette with shadows was around 23 euro.
You can see shades I bought. Some of them are very compatible one to another but there are some shade that are different from others in my collection.
Every shadow has 2g of products and Wycon has more then 100 shades. They come in black cardboard packaging and they are much bigger then colourpop or MUG shadows as you can see on second picture below.
Empty palette is peaty good and sturdy. Magnet on it it's strong, maybe to strong for my likening but for bigger shadows that's better. I swatches a bunch of shades in store and I must say that they are different in texture and not all of them are good - some are dry and not pigmented enough and difficult to work with. Shimmery shades are all good and loosely packed in pan so be carefully with them also they are super shiny and one of the bests I worked with and like them more than MUG or UD ones but can act different n the eyes.
Wycon je brend poput Kiko Milan kozmetike koji je mlađi i čini mi se malo pristupačniji. U svom asortimanu imaju preko 100 nijansi senki i tri prazne namagnetisane palete. Senke dolaze zapakovane u kartonski uvijač jednostavnog crnog dizajna. Svaka senka ima 2g i veće su od npr. senki colourpop-a ili MUG senki koje imaju 1,5g. Na slikama ispod možete videti i razliku u veličini senki.
Dok sam bila u prodavnici uspela sam da pogledam više nijansi i probam da ih nanesem na ruku. Nažalost nisu sve iste teksture i pigmentacije niti imaju isti osećaj pod prstima. Mat senke su mnogobrojne, ali neke su jako suve i teško se razmazuju i izgledaju nejednako na koži. Ono što ćete primetiti iz prve jeste da su sjajne senke mnogo mekanije od mat i da nisu tako jako nabijene u kalupe. Ipak ove sjajne senke su neke od boljlih sa kojima sam radila i jako su pigmentovane


6 shade I got act totally different on my eyes. I am mostly satisfied with matte shades in top row and also red shimmery one in second. Matte shades stay long on the eyes and they stay on my extremely oily eyelids around 8-9 hours, some time less. For all shades you need to use base. I used ARTDECO eye base and MAC paint pot. Best application these shades have with cream matte eye shadow that you layer first and these shades on top of that.
I had problem just with last dark gray shimmery shade. This shade is so beautiful when you swatch it and so loosely packed so it will be so soft on the touch and you need to be careful with it but problem I had with this shade is that it gathers in my eyes even with the base. I tried it just once and after few hours it looked so bad on my eyes. I think it would go better with some sticky eye base like glitter glue.
Blue shade I had to buy just to play around and see what looks I can come up. I like these shades but do not use them often. It's not the best one but I can work with it. I used it just one and still don't know what to think about it.
All the shade you have to layer for full pigmentation but they are nice to work with, I like first shade in top row, orange one - that is the best in pigmentation and in longevity on my eyes.
I had problem just with last dark gray shimmery shade. This shade is so beautiful when you swatch it and so loosely packed so it will be so soft on the touch and you need to be careful with it but problem I had with this shade is that it gathers in my eyes even with the base. I tried it just once and after few hours it looked so bad on my eyes. I think it would go better with some sticky eye base like glitter glue.
Blue shade I had to buy just to play around and see what looks I can come up. I like these shades but do not use them often. It's not the best one but I can work with it. I used it just one and still don't know what to think about it.
All the shade you have to layer for full pigmentation but they are nice to work with, I like first shade in top row, orange one - that is the best in pigmentation and in longevity on my eyes.
Od 6 senki koje sam kupila najviše sam koristila 3 u gornjem redu i crvenu iz donjeg reda. Mogu reći da se sve ponašaju drugačije na očima, ali ove 4 se najbolje dopunjuju i imaju iste karakteristike.
Utisak koji imam nako korišćenja ovih senki jeste da se mat senke bolje ponašaju na očima i duže traju. Za ove senke je potrebna baza i neka osnovna boja na koju ćete ih nanositi, jer se tada njalepše sjedine, kao i sve druge senke. Moji kapci su zaista masni i mnoge senke na njima ne izdrže dugo, a ove mat senke izdrže oko 8-9 sati. Ima dana kada su se kraće zadržale na očima, ali nikako nisam ustanovila zbog čega. Nanosila sam ih na Artdeco bazu za senke i MAC paint pot.
Utisak koji imam nako korišćenja ovih senki jeste da se mat senke bolje ponašaju na očima i duže traju. Za ove senke je potrebna baza i neka osnovna boja na koju ćete ih nanositi, jer se tada njalepše sjedine, kao i sve druge senke. Moji kapci su zaista masni i mnoge senke na njima ne izdrže dugo, a ove mat senke izdrže oko 8-9 sati. Ima dana kada su se kraće zadržale na očima, ali nikako nisam ustanovila zbog čega. Nanosila sam ih na Artdeco bazu za senke i MAC paint pot.
Najproblematičnija senka je ova najtamnija. Ova senka je prelepe tamnosive boje i ima mnoštvo šljokica. Senka je izuzetno slabo nabijena u kalup i morate biti pažljivi kada je koristite, ali je zaista prelepa.
Nažalost koristila sam je samo jednom, jer se jako teško održi na mojim kapcima, sakupi se lako u njima i ne izgleda lepo. Moram da je probam sa lepljivijim bazama, kao što je lepak za glitere ili nešto slično. Boja je po meni prelepa i nadam se da ću moći da je koristim.
Plavu senku sam uzela, jer ovakve boje volim, ali ih ne koristim često. Boja je lepo pigmentovana, ali malo teža za rukovanje. Moram još da je probam i proverim dugovečnost na očima.



Swatches below show shades in first row and second.
You can see here that mattes are pigmented and red in second row is the best shimmery shade I woked with. I applies the same with finger or brush. Not even my UD naked palette shimmery shades act like this. I just love that I bought this shade. It goes so good with three others and three matte shades I use daily for everyday simple makeup look.
Ispod možete izbliza videti senke kako izgledaju na koži u prvo i drugom redu.
Moram reći da je crvena sjajna boja prelepa i da je jedna od najboljih sa kojom sam radila. Prelepo se nanosi na oči i četkicom i prstima i traje dugo. Ova boja me je zaista oduševila. Može da se poredi i sa mojim UD senkama, čak se lepše i lakše nanosi na oči od njih.
Mat senke treba da se nadograde, a tada izgledaju prelepo. Narandasta mat senka ima najviše pigmenta i najbolja je od tri, a braoon je hladnog podtona i zaista prelepo izgleda na očima.


I am satisfied with these shades. I can work with them and probably i will not use them ever because I have so many eye shadows and these are so big.
I will try some more products from Wycon because I think some of products they have are really good quality for the price. Eye pencils are so good and these shadow are good for everyday use and for beginners if they want to experiment with colors and textures. Be sure just to swatch shades in the store because of texture and color pay off.
That is all in this post. Hope you like it... Write me in the comments if you have try anything from Wycon range.
Till next post...
Jako sam zadovoljna ovom kupovinom, čak iako samo 4 senke stalno koritstim dobila sam praznu paletu za samo 2,5 evra i ove 4 senke mislim da nikada neću potrošiti, ali ću ih sigurno redovno koristiti.
Ako želite da probate neke Wycon senke obavezno ih probajte na koži u radnji kako biste videli koliko su pigmentovane i kako se razmazuju. Videću šta će sledeće od ovog brenda da probam i kada, jer vas na blogu uskoro očekuje mnogo novih postova sa zanimljivim proizvodima.
Ove senke probajte ako ste početnik, ako želite da se igate bojama i vežbate. Morate ih nadograditi za punu pigmentaciju, što nije loše, jer možete lakše i lepše da radite sa njima.
Toliko u ovom postu...
Pišite mi u komentarima da li ste probali nešto iz asortimana brenda Wycon i kako vam se čini.
Do novog posta...
I will try some more products from Wycon because I think some of products they have are really good quality for the price. Eye pencils are so good and these shadow are good for everyday use and for beginners if they want to experiment with colors and textures. Be sure just to swatch shades in the store because of texture and color pay off.
That is all in this post. Hope you like it... Write me in the comments if you have try anything from Wycon range.
Till next post...
Jako sam zadovoljna ovom kupovinom, čak iako samo 4 senke stalno koritstim dobila sam praznu paletu za samo 2,5 evra i ove 4 senke mislim da nikada neću potrošiti, ali ću ih sigurno redovno koristiti.
Ako želite da probate neke Wycon senke obavezno ih probajte na koži u radnji kako biste videli koliko su pigmentovane i kako se razmazuju. Videću šta će sledeće od ovog brenda da probam i kada, jer vas na blogu uskoro očekuje mnogo novih postova sa zanimljivim proizvodima.
Ove senke probajte ako ste početnik, ako želite da se igate bojama i vežbate. Morate ih nadograditi za punu pigmentaciju, što nije loše, jer možete lakše i lepše da radite sa njima.
Toliko u ovom postu...
Pišite mi u komentarima da li ste probali nešto iz asortimana brenda Wycon i kako vam se čini.
Do novog posta...
Recenzija je odlicna. Svidjaju mi se boje.
ОдговориИзбришиPratim te, zaprati i ti mene ako zelis
Hvala za komentar. Follow you back.
ОдговориИзбришиAjoj predivna paleta, draga moja Dunja!Predivne boje, meni se jako dopada.
ОдговориИзбришиFollow you! New post is on my blog! Visit me, Maleficent
hvala puno za komentar.
ИзбришиJooj, mene zanima kako ti se cini ta paleta prazna i od kog je materijala, je li karton ili...? :)
ОдговориИзбришиJeste kartonska je, ali vrlo cvrsta i izdrzljiva i senke bas lepo stanu u nju i mislim da je zgodna i za putovanja.