Month of october is one of those when all brads show new makeup collections, or have really good discounts and promotions.
That's how I got my first colourpop order. Their site had discount to shipping rate so I manage to buy few things for my makeup bag - new fall edit eyeshadows and two lipsticks.
Oktobar je mesec kada mnogi brendovi predstavljaju nove proizvode i nove kolekcije, ili imaju dobre promocije i rasprodaje na već postojeći asortiman. Tako sam uspela da prvi put poručim colourpop proizvode, jer je cena poštarine bila umanjena. Na moj prag su došle 4 senke iz jesenje kolekcije i 2 karmina.
It contains 4 eye shadows in beautiful fall red, brown, orange and gold color.
Quad is in cardboard packaging that has fall colors on it. Every eye shadow is in single form.
Colourpop eye shadow became popular because of their strange and different texture.
They are very soft and like cream when you pres your finger in it, it has almost wet feel to it.
If we talk about Colourpop eye shadows, opinions are divided, because their shimmer eye shadows have good reviews online, but matte ones not so much. People say that matte shadows are hard to get on brushes, and hard to blend.
All these claims I will check in this post.
They are very soft and like cream when you pres your finger in it, it has almost wet feel to it.
If we talk about Colourpop eye shadows, opinions are divided, because their shimmer eye shadows have good reviews online, but matte ones not so much. People say that matte shadows are hard to get on brushes, and hard to blend.
All these claims I will check in this post.
U mojoj prvoj kupovini našla se skupina od 4 senke, koje pripadaju Fall Edit kolekciji, a ovaj četverac nosi nazi Zingara.
Sastoji se od četiri senke jesenjih tonova, crvene, tople braon, narandžaste i zlatne boje.
Senke kompanije Colourpop su poznate po svojoj specifičnoj teksturi, po kojoj se razlikuju od svih drugih proizvoda.
Senke su izuzetno mekane, kremaste, gotovo vlažne kada ih dotaknete prstima. Poznato je da su njihove sjajne senke jako pigmentovane i da imaju sve pozitivne kritike, dok je kod mat senki misljenje podeljeno. Neki ih vole, a drugi govore da nisu dobre, jer zbog te mokre sturkture ne prijanjaju lepo na četkicu i teško se nanose.
Sve ove tvrdnje biće ispitane u ovom postu.


Colourpop eye shadows have more distinct features as you can see on these pictures. Products are made in USA, and white pots with eye shadows are unique design that has put Colourpop in spotlight of beauty industry.
One thing you must know if you buy these eye shadow is that pots must be closed well so product inside would't dry out.
Colourpop senke su specifične po mnogo čemu. Pored svoje teksture, ove senke su se u svetu kozmetičke industrije izdvojile svoji specifičnim pakovanjem, ambalažom i činjenicom da su pravljene u zemlji porekla, SAD-u.
Bele teglice sa senkama su vrlo simpatične, ne nužno i praktične, i potrebno je znati da ove senke morate dobro zatvoriti posle korišćenja, jer se inače osuše.


In this quad you can find these colors: JINXIE (gold one), ELIXIR (orange), PARADOX (burgundy) and SEEKER (worm brown). Also you can buy these eye shadows individual on their site.
One shadow is shimmery one, two of them are matte, and one of them is described as satin.
All are beautiful colored, and really remind of fall. As the presentation goes it's spot on.
Eye shadows have good swatches with finger, and they really apply the best with this method.
When it comes to applying with brushes it gets difficult.
All the shadows apply best with synthetic fiber brushes, and blend easily, but best pigmentation you get when they are applied with finger. After that blending is not so easy.
I found that orange one is the easiest to apply with brushes, and blends really good and with no effort. This color is not real orange it's muted and has lot of soft brown in it. It's gorgeous crease color.
Red one is hard to apply so you can get those beautiful red tone on your lids. The color reminds me on cranberry and it's a true red with a lot of pink undertone.
Brown one is not so pigmented on eyes and it's best to use it with fingers. This color reminds me of chocolate, and it is warm brown with red undertone.
Gold one is best to apply with fingers or concealer brush. This color is not so sparkly as I thought but looks beautiful on the lids.
No matter what I use these colors almost everyday they are beautiful and I just love them. You will see swatches on hand in the pictures below., but also picture of eye shadows on the eyes.
U ovom četvercu, nalaze se četiri senke pravih jesenjih nijansi koje su savršeno usklađene. Boje su vrlo pigmentvane i lepe. 4 senke imaju različitu završnicu - 2 su mat (narandžasta i braon), jedna je satenske završnice (crvena), a jedna je sajna (zlatna).
Imena senki su: JINXIE (zlatna), ELIXIR (narandžasta), PARADOX (crvena) and SEEKER (braon), i mogu se kupiti u ovoj paleti ili pojedinacno. Cena ove "palete" je 18$, dok su pojedinačne senke 5$.
Senke su dobro pigmentovane i jako lepo se nanose prstom i tada imaju najbolju pigmentaciju. To je zajedničko za sve četiri senke. Nanošenje ovih senki četkicama, postaje u neku ruku problematično. Najbolje je koristiti sintetičke četkice, koje mogu pokupiti proizvod i naneti ga na kapak, ali ni tada se sve senke neće ponašati jednako.
Senka koja sigurno privlači najveću pažnu, je u nijansi PARADOX. Reč je o crvenoj nijansi, koja najviše podseća na brusnicu, koja je jako pigmentovana, topla, roza podtona. Ova senka se teško nanosi četkicama za šminkanje, ali zato nanošenje prstom daje pravu boju i najjaču pigmentaciju. Kada se nanese prstom, malo ju je teže sjediniti sa drugim senkama, ali ja joj sve opraštam zbog boje koju ima.
Senka koja se najlakše nanosi, blenda i najlepše ponaša na oku je ELIXIR. Ovo nije jarka narandžasta boja. Ovo je suptilna narandžasta, sa primesom neke svetlobraon boje, koja je odlična za prevoj kapka.
Topla braon nijansa SEEKER, podseća na čokoladu, ali je najslabije pigmentovana i najteže ju je naneti na kapak. I kod ove nijanse najveća pigmentacija se postiže nanošenjem prstima.
Zlatna nijansa JUNIXE, nije svetlucava kao što sam očekivala. Ovo je zlatna boja koja je suptilna i ima primese srebrnih šljokica. Najbolje ju je naneti prstima, ali ja sam uspela dobro da je nanesem na ceo kapak četkicom za korektor.
Iako imaju mana koja se tiču samog procesa nanošenja, ove senke koristim gotovo svakodnevno, i zaista mi se jako sviđaju.



For conclusion, I think Colourpop products for lips are great, and you need to try it. I talked about them in this post. When it comes to eye shadows, i think you should try them and find your favorite. These colors are so beautiful and I will try some new product from Colourpop soon, because they have promotion till the end of year, and international shipping for orders over 50$ is free.
Have you missed something if you didn't try these eye shadow? Not so much.
If you are not in to makeup you don't have to try them. But... If you look for super cheep eye shadows that are good, lasts on your eyes and have a ton of different colors... Try them for sure.
That's all in this post.Write me in the comments if you have tried Colourpop eye shadows, and what do you think of them.
Till next time...
Thank you for readin this blog!
Da sumiramo utiske o ovim senkama.
Mislim da su proizvodi za usta kompanije Colourpop nešto što morate da probate. Odlični su. Pisala sam o njima u ovom postu.
Što se senki za oči tiče, ja sam se navukla, i jedva čekam da probam još nešto. Trenutno imaju akciju, pa je do kraja godine poštarina na porudžbine preko 50$ besplatna, planiram da to iskoristim.
Ako niste zaljubljenik u šminku, ovo nije proizvod "pod moranje", sigurna sam da kod nas ima mnogo dobrih i boljih zamena za ove senke, ali... Ako volite šminku, a tražite neke nove, jeftine senke, koje imaju zilion boja, i ne smeta vam da platite poštarinu i čekate da stignu iz Amerika, imate moju preporuku. Mislim da ćete biti iznenađeni, da će vam se jako svideti, i možda se navući na njih baš kao i ja.
Toliko u ovom postu.
Pišite mi u komentarima da li ste vi probali neke Colourpop proizvode.
Do novog čitanja...
Hvala što pratite blog!!!