
четвртак, 31. октобар 2019.

Trying Pixi beauty makeup for the first time

I am in love with makeup and that is no secret. The biggest compliment I ever got when it comes to my job as a makeup artist is that my clients can see me how much I enjoy doing makeup and that is so true. I try always to have the best products and products that will work for different skin tones.
I love palettes - no matter if those are for eyes, cheeks or face. 
That is why I decided to try something new - new to me. It is palette form brand Pixi beauty and this is the first time I am trying makeup they make.

Zaljubljenik sam u šminku i sve u vezi sa njom. Zbog svoje masne kože nisam često posezala za hajlajterima, jer sam dovoljno sjajna, ali u poslednje vreme ih obožavam i posebno volim da istražujem dostupne palete, drogerijske hajlajtere i sve u vezi sa njima. 
Poslednji meseci stalno gledam Pixi beauty proizvode i jako želim da ih probam, pa kada je izašla nova kolekcija šminke u saradnji sa jutjuberima, znala sam da je idealna prilika da probam nešto. Paleta hajlajtera koja je nastala u saradnja sa Rachhloves sa YT bila je moj izbor i pokazalo se da je ovo pun pogodak.

I had my eyes on this palette for some time now. I watch videos that Rachhloves makes and when I saw this palette I thought it looks good and the colors of these highlighters are nice. Something that I need because I use always same highlighter palette and I wanted to try a new palette and new brand.
Looksfantastic also had a discount on their site for one week I think and I manage to get my hands on it for just 20$.
The decision was easy and I bought it. It came to me in a week but unfortunately, one shade was broken. I used some alcohol to put it together and now I have the whole palette again.
You will see on pictures small discoloration in palette due to this fix I had to make but I use this palette each day since I bought it.

I heard a lot of good things about this brand but didn't have a chance to try them. This palette was perfect to explore the new brand and new makeup.

Paleta hajlajter me je privukla izgledom i izborom boja, a i činjenicom da je pravi pixi beauty o kom sam čula samo pozitivne komentare i dugo gledala šta prvo da probam. Prednost je bila i to što je Pixi beauty bio na sniženju na sajtu tako da sam ovu paletu kupila za svega 20 evra. 
Paleta je stigla jako brzo do mene, za svega nedelju dana, ali jedna nijansa je bila polomljena, tako da sam to morala da rešim sa malo alkohola i ponovo je presujem u paletu. Zbog ovog detalja i spasavanja palete videćete da se jedna nijansa slika drugačije od drugih i na pakovanju se vidi malo razlika u boji gde je alkohol došao u dodir sa samim kartonom palete.

This palette comes with 5 shades of highlighter with 2 bigger pans that have 7,65 g of products and 3 smaller pans with 2,55 g of product. Bigger highlighters are basic shades with gold and champagne undertone named Tee (gold one) and Clutch (Champagne one) and 3 smaller highlighters should work as topper shades (from lest to right are Lace, Zipper, Knit ). You have a pop of color in this palette and you have one darker shade for dark undertones but in my case, this will be shimmery eyeshadow more than a highlighter.

I must say that no matter what you see online till you get your hands on product you can't know how will it perform and how it looks. 
I was so happy when I got this palette. Shades are so, so, so beautiful and texture of these shades is so smooth and without glitter in them. They do not emphasize your textured skin or show pores they are just perfect. Shades have names on them and even though 2 bigger shades are basic I must say that I would love to have shade Lace in a bigger pan because this is the most blinding, stunning shade I have in my collection. On the skin, it looks like glass and everyone asks me what highlighter I use whenever I wear them. I just love how they perform and how they look on the skin.

Paleta dolazi u vrlo lepom i jednostavnom pakovanju, i ovo je jedna od manjih paleta koje imam, što nisam očekivala, ali unutar je baš dosta proizvoda i dobijate cak 22g ukupno kada saberemo težinu svake nijanse. 
Paleta svojim dizajnom u potpunosti odgovara identitetu brenda i baš mi se sviđa jednostavan dizajn palete koja je roza sa imenom i ništa više. Na kutiji se zato nalaze sve informacije o paleti i sa kim u saradnji je nastala kao i sam izgled unutrašnjosti palete.

Hajlajteri su podeljeni tako da dobijate dva velika hajlajter od 7,65g i 3 manja hajlajtera od 2,55g.
Dva veća hajlajtera su izuzetno svetli i verujem pogodni za gotovo sve tonove kože. Sa leve strane u paleti je nijansaa Tee koja je zlatnog podtona i odsjaja i koji nije ni jak ni napadan na koži i odlično stoji svima. Čak ga i ja nosim, a nisam zaljubljenik u zlatne hajlajtere. Do nje je nijansa Clutch koja je predivna. Svetla sjajana nijansa sa podtonom boje šampanjca, mislim da je ovo jedan od najlepših hajlajtera koje imam. Obe nijanse su kao staklo na koži i odišu visokim kvalitetom i prelepo izgledaju na koži. 
Ujedno dve veće nijanse su osnivne boje koje možete mešati i nadograditi nekom nijansom od 3 manje. 

On the pictures below you can see how they look on my skin, but the real look of these highlighters you can see on my IG account where I use them on the face and I have a video coming up where I use this palette to highlight my face.
I love that you can look straight and you will not see highlighter but when you turn your head around you get the most beautiful, insane and intense highlighter that it looks like glass on the skin.
Follow my IG account to see all the pictures I'll upload from the last photoshoot I had and there you can see how beautiful these highlighters are. You can mix them and make custom shades. I even mixed Clutch and Knit for some deeper skin tones and they look so beautiful.
I used purple highlight like inner corner highlight and I loved it.

3 manja hajlajtera su namenjena nadogradnji, ali previ hajlajter u gornjem levom uglu - Lace - je sigurno jedan od najsjajnijih hajlajtera koje imam. Ta nijansa se u putu polomila, ali tako je dobra, sjajana, sa malo glitera i tako divno izgleda na koži da mislim da je trebala takođe da bude u velikom obliku. 
Druge dve nijanse ne koristim kao hajlajter. Ljubičasti hajlajter najčešće koristim kao senku, i tako divno izgleda u uglu oka. Treća nijansa, je najtamnija i za neke tamne tonove kože, ali ja sam je koristila kao senku za oči i jednom je čak mešala sa zlatkastim hajlajterom i divno je izgledao. 
Ukupno cela paleta mi je pravi pogodak. Ispod možete videti kako hajlajteri izgledaju na koži, ali mislim da ćete pravi utisak steći ako pogledate moj IG profil i slike sa poslednjeg slikanja, gde sam korostila ove hajlajtere. Ujedno na IG biće i video u kom koristim ovu paletu. 

If you are looking for a highlighter palette - I  must say try this one. I will buy a back up because I think I will use 3 shades so quickly because I use them on me and my clients and I travel with it because it has a mirror I really like and it has good size for doing your makeup on the go.

I hope this post was informative and that you can realize why I love this palette so much. Texture and shades are what makes this product so great and look on the skin makes you fall in love with this palette.
My next post will be about skincare so stay tuned.
See you next time.

Za sve vas koji tražite kvalitetnu, nosivu i najsjaniju paletu hajlajtera obavezno probajte ovu. Ja sam oduševljena i kupiću sigurno još jednu da imam u rezervi, jer je ovo limited edition i već nema ove palete na sajtu Lookfantastick sa kog sam je kupila. 
Nadam se da vam je ovaj post bio informativan i da vam se sviđa. 
Pratite moj blog i moj IG profil, jer tu stalno objavljujem mini recenzije proizvoda, kao i IGTV videe i postove sa slikanja. 
Do novog čitanja pozdrav. 

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