
субота, 29. септембар 2018.

Fenty beauty pro filt'r soft matte longwear foundation

I am so happy to see that more and more brands are coming to Serbia. The last brand that launched here is Fenty beauty by Rihana and I am so glad it did. We can see all the product, all the shades of foundation (40 in total) and swatch them before buying. I was lucky enough that I got my foundation from The UK a few days before it launched in Serbia and now I can write about it and share my impressions with you. 
I'll share with you my thoughts about it, how it performed on my skin and I'll try to compare it with some other foundations I have when it comes to my shade.

Iskreno se radujem kada vidim da novi brendovi dospevaju na srpsko tržište i da nekako i mi postajemo deo sveta. Poslednji novitet među brendovima, koji je došao kod nas jeste Fenty beauty brend čija je vlasnica Rijana. Nekoliko dana pre nego što su Fenty proizvodi postali dostupni u Sefora Srbija, meni je stigao njihov puder iz Englelske i bila sam presrećna, jer sam baš želela da ga probam.
U ovom postu trudiću se da iskreno napišem svoje utiske o ovom proizvodu i da uporedim nijansu koju sam kupila sa nekim drugim puderima koje imam, kako biste lakše sami pronašli svoju nijansu.

This foundation is made for oily skin people because Rihanna has that type of skin. Beside foundation Fenty released primer but I do not have it. 
My skin is extremely oily and I get shiny no matter what in a few hours. I can make my skin look nice with one primer for 8 hours but the overall experience was that all foundations on my skin are the same - no matter if they are from the drugstore or high end. The biggest difference I notice between high end and drugstore makeup is longevity and feel they have on my skin - usually, high-end makeup feels lighter and over the time looks better on my skin and doesn't lift from my face even when my oils come true.
I heard a lot of great stuff about this foundation but when I saw Nikkie tutorials video with Fenty beauty makeup artist I learned so much more about this product and I think you should watch it if you plan to buy this foundation.

This foundation costs around 40$ and comes in a glass bottle with a white pump and cap and has 32ml. I think that the design of these products is now famous and you can know Fenty beauty brand just by looking into the packaging.

With the release of 40 foundation shades, Fenty beauty made a new standard in the makeup world and started all the talk about inclusion and making makeup for every person and every skin tone in the world. After Fenty beauty pro filt'r foundation every brand that makes makeup was under the pressure for making more shades and for being open for all skin tones and shades. This is why we now have 45 shade of NYX foundations and more and more brands releasing deeper and lighter shades and include more people as their target buyers.

Fenty Pro filt'r matte tečni puder je napravio pravi bum na tržištu, zato što je pri lansiranju ovog pudera u prodaju pušteno 40 nijansi. Ujedno ovo je pokrenulo pravu raspravu na tržištu kozmetike i postavilo novi standard kada je u pitanju inkluzija i otvorenost brendova za sve tipove kože i sve tonove, od najsvetlijih do najtamnijih. Upravo zbog ovog tečnog pudera danas su svi brendovi pod lupom u vezi sa brojem nijansi koje puštaju u prodaju ili koliko su inkluzivni kada je u pitanju potrošać kom se obraćaju i kog smatraju svojom ciljnom grupom.

Na internetu je bilo mnogo priče o ovom puderu kada se tek pojavio, ali već sada nećete naći mnogo videa i postova koji ga pominju. To je posledica stalnog puštanja u prodaju novih proizvoda za šminkanje i kozmetike generalno. Novi proizvodi potiskuju stare, a ja sam neko ko uvek jako pazi pri svakoj kupovini i baš zato se radujem ovom postu, jer sam čekala dugo da kupim ovaj puder i merila dobro, da li zaista želim da potrošim 40$ na jedan proizvod. 

U Srbiji je ovaj puder 4450din i lično smatram da je cena skroz ok, jer mu je cena na sajtu 40$. Ovo je uz UD ili Kat V D brend koji je sjajno cenovno predstavljen u Srbiji, jer drugi brendovi stvarno preteruju sa cenama kod nas i nikako ne vrede trošenja tog novca. Srećom Fenty nije jedan od njih i ne uštedi se mnogo kupovinom u inostranstvu. 
Moja nijansa pudera je 260, natural - ovo je nijasa koja potpada pod srenji ton kože sa prirodnim podtonom. 
Sve nijanse pudera su raspoređene u 3 kategorije u odnosu na podton kože koji imate - podton može biti žut, roza ili neutralan (kao što je moja koža).
U Srbiji žuti podton kože je dominantan, ali naravno tu su i svi drugi podtonovi samo u manjim razmerama. 

With 40 shades to choose from finding your shade can be easy but also can be a trouble. Shades have 3 undertones and those are golden, pink and natural. My shade is 260 - natural and it is medium shade with natural undertones.
This is what brand says about this product and how they describe it:
A soft matte, longwear foundation with buildable, medium to full coverage, in a boundary-breaking range of 40 shades.
Finally — the ultimate photo filter in foundation form. Born in 40 boundary-breaking shades, Pro Filt'r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation gives skin an instantly smooth, pore-diffused, shine-free finish that easily builds to medium to full coverage. The oil-free matte foundation is made with climate-adaptive technology that's resistant to sweat and humidity, and won't clog pores so that wherever you are, it's going to work on your skin. Best of all, this light-as-air, longwear foundation is undetectable on skin — so you always look like you. 

I was really excited when I got this foundation because I expected a lot. All the claims online were so good, so perfect that I was looking for a miracle for my oily skin.
Was that a case you will find out in this post. 

When it comes to consistency of this product it is a liquid foundation for sure and it is lightweight on the skin and with one layer you really get full coverage that doesn't look unnatural on your skin. 
It blends the same way with primer and without the primer. You do not need to work quickly with this foundation because it gives you enough time to spread it around your face. I always put it on the face with my fingers - in the center of the forehead, on the cheeks, chin, and nose and spread it with a sponge. I  love mixing it with other foundation and always looks the same. I mix foundations all the time - on my, on clients and I love it.
One more thing why I mix this foundation is oxidation. This foundation oxidizes so much. If you plan to buy it my advice is to find your match in the store and buy 2 shades lighter foundation because it oxidizes that much. 

Na sajtu Fenty beauty ovaj puder je opisan, kao puder srednje do potpune pokrivenosti sa polu mat završnicom, koji je dugotrajan na koži, ali i lagan i omogućava koži da diše. 
Puder dolazi u staklenoj bočici ovalnog oblika sa belim poklopcem i pumpicom. Sam dizajn kutija svih Fenty beauty proizvoda je poznat i brend imam svoj identitet kada je pakovanje u pitanju. 

Bila sam stvarno jako uzbuđena zbog svih komentara koji su kružili na internetu kada je ovaj puder lansiran. Da li su ti komentari opravdani saznaćete u ovom postu, jer sam ga testirala više dana, sa različitim prajmerima, kao i bez prajmera, ali i na različitim temperaturama, jer sam počela da ga nosim kada je napolju bilo 30 stapeni, a nosim ga i danas dok pišem ovaj post kada je napolju od 10 do 20 stepeni Celzjusa. 

Ovo je puder je tečan i vrlo lagan na licu. Ima veliku moć prekrivanja i meni je samo jedan sloj dovoljan da dobijem željenu pokrivenost. Ako imam neke veće nepravilnost na licu dovoljno je dodati samo malo, ciljano i sve će nestati.
Ovaj puder se jako lako nanosi na lice i lepo sjedini sa kožom. Ja ga uvek nanesem prstima na čelo, obraze i nos, a kasije utapkam sunđerom.
Završnica je baš polu mat ili "soft matte" kako piše na pakovanju. Uvek kada ga nosim naprosto se iznenadim koliko dobro izgleda na koži, i kako je lep kada se slika. 
Jedna velika mana ovog pudera je oksidacija i to što u kontaktu sa vazduhom potamni bar 2 nijanse. Ovo je bitno da znate pri kupovini i kad nađete nijansu koja vam odgovara obavezno uzmete svetliju od one koju ste probali. 

You need to shake this foundation before use and pump that it has is small and for my face, I use 3 pumps because the amount that comes out is smaller than with other foundations and other pumps.
It drys on the face quickly but you never feel like it is a mask on your skin, never feels tight and dry.
When I watched a video I talked about Riannah's makeup artist talked about this foundation and advised you can apply more layers on top of the first one even after few hours you just need to put some spray on top of current makeup before applying a new layer.
Didn't try this but it can be helpful if you need to change from a daytime look to a nighttime look in one day.

I wear makeup daily 8 to 10 hours and I tested this foundation for a few days with or without primer and these are my thoughts.

The first day when I wore it after 10 hours I was an oily mess. I do not know why but that day I was so disappointed with the outcome and I was thinking already that this purchase was no good.
I decided to try tomorrow again and put some primer before it.
Next day I wore it again for 10 hours and results were much better - I was shiny but not a grease ball it looked good on my skin, it didn't lift on any parts and overall it was good. Also, the temperature outside both days was over 30 degrees Celsius so this was a real test for this foundation. 

But this wasn't the end of testing because I needed to try it for more days till I get together my thoughts. I wore it without primer again and with it but the results were better. Never again I was so oily and shiny like the first day I wore it. 
While I write this post I am wearing this foundation and every time I look in the mirror I think "It looks so good on my skin" - no visible textures, it looks smooth and photo friendly. Looks so, so good. I can't deny it. 

For the first few hours, this foundation is a bomb. 
But after a few hours I can see oil coming true and for some reason, this foundation on my left cheek always disappear. It can be that I am doing something that I am not aware of but it is strange that just on that part of my skin it rubs off. That is a little bit annoying but I really love how it looks on my skin and how it behaves during the day.

Kako uputstvo na bočici i pakovanju kaže puder je potrebno promućkati pre upotrebe. Jedna pumpica je malo i meni su za celo lice potrebne 3 pumpice. U pakovanju je 32ml proizvoda pa će vam sigurno potrajati. 
Nisam probala da ga nanosim četkicom za puder, jer ni jedan puder ne nanosim tako. 
Kada sam ga dobila prvi dan sam ga nanela na kožu bez prajmera. Ja šminku nosim na licu oko 10 sati dnevno i za to vreme mogu da primetim promene i kako se puder ponaša. 
Uz Fenty tečni puder, u prodaju je pušten i prajmer, ali ja ga nemam, pa sam ovaj proizvod nosila sa prajmerima koje poznajem i koje koristim često. 

Prvog dana kada sam nosila puder došla sam kući sa posla potpuno razočarana, jer sam bila užasno masna i puder se nikako nije ponašao kako sam očekivala. Ali srećom nisam odustala. 
Sutradan sam ga ponovo nosila i ovaj put koristila prajmer. Puder je sada izgledao 10 puta bolje. Jesam bila masna, jer je to za mene normalno, ali ništa previše i preterano. Bila sam zadovoljna kako puder izgleda, ali sam primetila da nije na svim delovima lica jednak.
I treći dan sam ga opet nosila sa omiljenim prajmerom i bio je odličan, ponašao se baš onako kako sam htela, ali iskreno, očekivala sam više od ovog pudera kada se nosi samostalno. 
Nastavila sam da ga koristim, jer stvarno kada ga tek stavite na lice, koža izgleda apsolutno prelepo, nema vidljive teksture, pora, sve izgleda kao da imate filter na licu, divno i glatko. 

To je razlog zašto sam nastavila i dalje da nosim puder. I svaki dan su rezultati bili bolji. Nosila sam ga i sa i bez prajmera i nikada više nisam bila masna kao prvog dana kad sam ga nosila. 
Puder se stvarno odlično ponaša, traje svih 10 sati i duže, i ne klizi sa kože, ne skida se niti skuplja u linijama ili na suvim delovima kože. 
Jedini problem imam sa kožom lica na levom obrazu gde uvek izgleda čudno, drugačije, ali to može biti do moje kože. 

For me, this foundation has a real soft matte feeling on the skin. Finish is beautiful and I tried it on my clients and it looked great especially on younger skin.
On my skin oils come true after 5-6 hours of wear. Now when the temperature is lower it can stay matte for 8 hours that is super because no other foundation can do this without primer.
If you love makeup and you have oily skin type I would recommend this foundation, but if you think this is too expensive for you I really have to say that on the market you can find a good foundation for oily skin that costs less then 15$ and that performs beautiful and looks like high-end makeup.
I know that 40$ is not everyone's cup of tea and it is ok if you do not want to spend that much money.

I think I will buy more shades so I could mix them. 
Hope this post was helpful to you guys and that you know now if you need this foundation or not. Also here are some pictures of shades that match Fenty 260 shade I have. 
Till next post-bye. 

Ukupan utisak je "wow", jer kako su dani hladniji ovaj puder izgleda sve bolje. Mislim da tokom toplih dana može da se prosija više od očekivanog, ali kako su temperature pale ovaj puder, bez prajmer drži moju kožu mat i do 6 sati. Čak i tada izgleda kao da koža ima lep, prirodni sjaj i čelo i obrazi mi nisu premasni kako znaju da budu sa nekim drugim proizvodima.
Zaista se ne kajem što sam uzela ovaj puder, ali znam da cena od 4450din može biti previše ako niste sigurni da li da ga kupite. Moj savet vam je da prvo probate Catrice 24h tečni puder, za koji kažu da je gotovo istog sastava kao Fenty beauty i nakon toga odlučite. Ja ću sigurno kupiti i neku svetliju nijansu, da mogu da ga mešam i koristim i kada nemam boju od mora i sunca.
Radujem se što sad mogu i druge Fenty beauty proizvode da probam i što su mi dostupn. 
Koji biste vi proizvod izabrali za sebe iz kolekcije Fenty beauty i zašto? 
Nadam se da vam se sviđa post. 
Do novog čitanja pozdrav. 

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