RT is one of the brands that are famous for their makeup brushes. They are really affordable, and ease to get them in local drugstores or online.
In Serbia they are in DM drugstore, and online in few web sites like RT Serbia, RT international site, iherb etc.
I need to say here that it's best to buy online, on iherb.com or realtechniques.com. Both sites have lowest prices, and affordable shipment.
This order was a firs time I bought something from RT official site. Shipment was surprisingly cheep, 2,6$, and set itself was 18$.
It arrived in 15 days, and I haven't payed anything extra to customs.
Set that I bought is called Ultimate base set, and you can see it on this link. It's in orange color that is symbol of theirs brushes that are made for base, applying primer, foundation, concealer, etc, basically things that prepare skin and bring it to flawless look.
One of the brushes is exclusive to this set, and it's limited edition. Also set contains case with mirror for carrying brushes with you.
Since it's exclusive, limited edition set, I bring it to you on a gold plate.
As you can see on picture it has 2 brushes and RT sponge.
Set comes in plastic box, that provides safe shipment, and it has all the instructions on the back.
These are the brushes and sponge when you pull them out from the box. I must say that due to theirs older boxes I had chance to open, this one opens easily, and quickly.
RT brushes have new design, and vivid colors. Body of the brush is orange, metal, with black part on end of the handle, that's made from rubber.
Small case that comes with set is all white with orange elastics to close it. Inside is a large mirror that is handy for makeup on the go, and has room for two/three brushes.
To say something about all the products of the set.
RT sponge is well known for it's use and quality. I had one already, and it was ok, but I didn't know right way of cleaning it,so hopefully this time will be different.
Sponge suppose to be wet before use, and it's suitable for all kind of foundations, liquid and cream ones. Also it could be used to apply cream contouring and concealers, brightening under the eyes and all high points of the face.
Expert face brush is probably my favorite one. It is the perfect brush for liquid foundation, even the heavy once, with high coverage.
It has duo colored bristles, densely packed, but very soft and flexible. I just love it, it's my second one. First one is still in use but I had one problem with it, during cleaning process, when all bristles pop out of the place. I had to glue that back together, because they where together, but out of the metal part of the handle.
Only thing with this brush is that it's hard to clean it, due to those dense fibers.
On the end of this post I will tell you my way of cleaning brushes and sponges, that works great, and makes them super clean.
Delux concealer brush is exclusive for this set, and it is duo colored, rounded, flexible brush, that seems like smaller version of face brush.
It's perfect to smudge concealer under the eyes, highlight the face wit it, and put primer on your lids. Shape of the brush is just right for corner of the eye and lower lid area.
This set is all you need for flawless looking face makeup, with just three tools. I just love it. Case that comes with in is super cute, and nice for traveling and for the bag.
Small case that comes with set is all white with orange elastics to close it. Inside is a large mirror that is handy for makeup on the go, and has room for two/three brushes.
To say something about all the products of the set.
RT sponge is well known for it's use and quality. I had one already, and it was ok, but I didn't know right way of cleaning it,so hopefully this time will be different.
Sponge suppose to be wet before use, and it's suitable for all kind of foundations, liquid and cream ones. Also it could be used to apply cream contouring and concealers, brightening under the eyes and all high points of the face.
Expert face brush is probably my favorite one. It is the perfect brush for liquid foundation, even the heavy once, with high coverage.
It has duo colored bristles, densely packed, but very soft and flexible. I just love it, it's my second one. First one is still in use but I had one problem with it, during cleaning process, when all bristles pop out of the place. I had to glue that back together, because they where together, but out of the metal part of the handle.
Only thing with this brush is that it's hard to clean it, due to those dense fibers.
On the end of this post I will tell you my way of cleaning brushes and sponges, that works great, and makes them super clean.
Delux concealer brush is exclusive for this set, and it is duo colored, rounded, flexible brush, that seems like smaller version of face brush.
This set is all you need for flawless looking face makeup, with just three tools. I just love it. Case that comes with in is super cute, and nice for traveling and for the bag.
It's great price and value for the money. Don't miss it.
In the end my way for cleaning brushes and sponges. It's easy, simple, and all that you have in your kitchen.
You'll need: table spoon of coconut oil, dish soup, antibacterial soup or mild shampoo, and 2 ts of water. Mix together and clean brushes with that. It's that easy.
That's all for today's post. Write me your comments, specially if you try to clean brushes like I do.
Hope to see you soon.
Neću komentirati na engleskom jer ćeš me razumjeti i na mom jeziku :)
ОдговориИзбришиJako mi se sviđa ovaj set, posebno expert face brush za koji sam čitala samo pohvale. A i spužvicu želim isprobati. Kod nas su Rt četkice stigle tek nedavno i cijene nisu baš pristupačne pa ih radije naručujem s iherba jer s poštarinom me izađu jeftinije nego da ih kupujem u DM i Kozma.
Stigli su novi setovi na sajt iherb, obavezno pogledaj. Ja sam skoro bila u Kozmu i uzela neke setove, cinilo mi se da je ista cena kao online, ali moguce da sam se pogubila.preracunavajuci kune,evre, dinare.😁